Application opens February 28th, 2025!
Friday, May 2nd 5-9PM
Saturday, May 3rd 10AM-5PM
Sunday, May 4th Noon-4PM
This year's Spring Sale will be held in the Fellowship Hall at South-Broadland Presbyterian Church at 79th and Holmes, with room for up to 47 artists.
This is a non-juried sale. All applicants who properly complete the application will be accepted. This sale will include a central checkout, so artists do not need to tend to their table for the entire sale. Each artist will be asked to help staff the sale in the form of one 4-hour shift. A sign-up for the time of the shift and assigned task will be sent out after the application closes.
Each artist will be allotted a 6'x3' space for their set up and must bring their own table and table cloth, or similarly sized display shelves.
Inventory sheets and labels with artist codes will be provided to each artist, in either a digital or paper form. We will provide more information and instructions once the application closes. Artists are asked to cap their total number of items for sale at 400 to keep the inventory book manageable. For reference, the top sellers at each sale sell an average of 150 items.
Be sure to have your high-quality photos and Word Doc of your artist statement/ personal bio ready before filling out the application. Images should be 300 DPI and should be large enough to be used for online advertisement and social media. Be sure to fill out all required fields in the application before paying. Payment is due at the time of registration. Applications left unpaid will be automatically deleted.
Artists keep 80% of sales and the KC Clay Guild will take 20% for overhead and expenses. Artists will be paid by check, Paypal, or Zelle
You can reach out to Amy Troester at with any Spring Sale-related questions.
Please use the link found in the application to upload 2 high-resolution photos of your work at 300 DPI, and an artist bio/statement to Dropbox. This link can also be found in the event confirmation email. These photos and bios will be used to advertise your work in the Spring Sale on Facebook and Instagram.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who can apply?
A: Anyone who makes ceramics. All are welcome to apply.
Q: What is the commission?
A: It is an 80/20 split. The guild takes a 20% commission of sales.
Q: What type of work can be sold at the show?
A: Work sold must be 95% fired ceramic.
Q: How will the show be marketed?
A: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Flyers.
Q: Will sales tax be added?
A: No. Each artist is responsible for his/her own sales tax accounting.
Q: When will I be paid for my sales?
A: Accounting will occur within two weeks of the sale. You will receive a copy of your inventory sheets and you'll be paid by check, PayPal, or Zelle.